WOMEN’S DAY celebration
The 12th of March 2018 was a remarkable day for the women of Kune gaon. There were 95 women present in Ashish Bhavan for the celebration, which began with short prayer service and a prayer dance by the boarders. Sr. Carol Nunes welcomed the honourable guests: Sr. Moksha Anthonappa – Director of Sahayini, Sr. Aruna Castelino of Auxilium Outreach, Sr. Cecilia Crasta – Superior of SJTC – Lonavala and Mrs. Mila Castelino with a shawl and coconut followed by a welcome song. Sr. Moksha had an ice-breaker with the women. The candidates of SJTC put up a street play which showed how people take advantage of young girls and women, and at times even police don’t pay attention to the complaint, and how to take care of ourselves when we are alone. Sr. Moksha showed a video clipping on Muskan – a girl who tries to explain to her grandmother that there is no difference between boy and girl, they are equal. She also spoke on the theme, Tuji chaya, Maji maya. The women enacted the qualities of personalities such as Mother Teresa, Kalpana Chawla, Jhansi chi Rani, Indira Gandhi. They came out with different slogans and creatively expressed their views.
Rev. Fr. Peter Rodrigues celebrated the Eucharist, and said in his sermon that all women deserve equal rights and respect in the family and society; parents must give opportunity for the girls to educate themselves.
After lunch, the women gathered for a discussion on Muskan and beautifully brought out the message. Sr. Cecilia spoke about the importance of children’s education. At the group games which they enjoyed and learnt a lot, each group received a prize. Sr. Teresa Dharmaraj, the animator of the community, gave a message: to make the best use of the boarding and the school to educate the children. Sr. Vaneeta Khristi thanked the guests and women. Each woman received went home gladly with a packet of Paushtik ahar and towel.